Tuesday 24 November 2015


After we completed our script and looked over the first draft of our trailer, we decided to see how well both of these mathc together and how we could combine the voice over to match with the clips of our trailer. When we looked over the footage that we had to use for our trailer, we realised that we are lacking a lot of characters. We had enough footage of our protagonist, Sebastian, but we did not have any other footage of our other main characaters such as Samantha and Malcom. This was due to not being able to find enough people to act for our trailer. We also didn't focus and plan much on the scense and shots that would include these characters and instead we focsued more on the virus itself, its effects on people and the protagonist as we thought that these type of scenes are visually more engaging and include a lot more action packed and cinematic visual effects than scenes of different characters. We also decided to remove the foucs on the battle between the govorment and the society and isntead to completly turn our attention to making the trailer fulfill a lot more horror/thriller genre conventions. This is why after we disscussed this issue with our group we deicided to try focus more on the footage we already have and perfect it to the best quality we can rather than film other footage that would include different characters. We then looked over our script and read through what our voice over would say. We realised that the sentencing would be too complicated and we also realised that it was too long for our trailer. This is why we decided to make it a lot shorter and a lot less simple so it would follow with the clips on the traielr. The reason why we wanted to include a voice over for our trailer is becasue we felt that it would be easier to introduce and explain the plot and story of our trailer to the audience to reduce any confusion that could be created when the trailer plays.

Second draft Voice Over

"Ordinary day. Ordinary life. Everything was the way it always has been.
Water. That's from where it all begun. People couldn't see it but it was there. Lurking around every corner. Every street. One touch was enough to spread this disease. 
Starting from your lungs, channeling rapidly to your brain, making you enter a trance like state."

"I never knew I was the one. It all started as a hobby. Working night and day trying to break formulaic equations, cracking perplexed algorithms, and multiple different experiments but nothing ever led to success. "

"Until I found it was all in the blood. Spreading slowly around your body and finally reaching your brain. That's when you go crazy."

"No antidote could help. I tried everything. The virus was spreading too fast. And at the end, it would always come to you."

Monday 16 November 2015


This is our initial script. As well as the plot of our trailer we have also included some notes and ideas as well as voice over ideas to include in our trailer. We decided that by using a voice over we would be able to tell the represent the story a lot more easily and clearly to the audience as well as to build this strong emotional connection between the viewer and the trailer.

Voice over ideas:

·       Encapsulate whole idea about leptospirosis
·       Easily spread from one human to another

PART ONE“An outbreak of this disease means that the extinction of these animals has arrived.  Government bodies are trying to discover but its not long until this cure reaches the steps of your homes. “
PART TWO“Suffering from these symptoms?:-vomiting
-high temperatures above 38C- loss of appetite-muscle pains in your calves and back- sudden painful headaches
“Have you recently been feeling: Nausea , faintish, tired and




An outbreak of this disease means that the extinction of these animals has arrived.  Government bodies are trying to discover a cure for this unknown contagious virus.its not long until this disease  reaches the steps of your homes.
VOICE-OVER:Suffering from these symptomsVomiting, high temperatures above 38C, loss of appetite, muscle pains in your calves and back,  sudden painful headaches report these symptoms to your local GP
Have you recently been feelingNausea , faintish, tired and

SEBASTIAN HARBOUR(on the phone)No, my work here is done. I’m finished.

SAMANTHA ROSEWOODOh come off it Sebastian, they are only cattle, just take a break and come to soho with me.


Physical contact is the core at which the disease develops. Every minute commuters travel, a touch can be enough to spread this disease.

Sebastian holds two glass beakers in each hand, frowning at them.VOICE-OVER/Sebastian

I never thought of my profession like this. Working on various systematic experiments, trying to break formulaic equations.
-Sebastian on the phone-Sebastian reading physic books at the bus topINT.SEBASTIAN’S LABORATORY-DAY-Sebastian concentrating on mixing chemicals-Sebastian writing complex equations on a board- Sebastian walks hastily through a set of laboratory doors.



For a long time I’ve been trying to break free from these structured formulaic equations consisting of scientific philosophy.

I’ve worked on cracking perplexed algorithms you name it and even these codes can’t bypass the equation I’m trying to manipulate.

What’s that?

Now you listen to me you impotent woman, I want you to find out everything we need to know about this intelligent little fucked up traitor.
I have the recorder, it’s on. You can trust me on this Marc. I love you enough to risk my life.

 Completed by Monique

Saturday 14 November 2015


These are a few images of the day we filmed our chase and zombie scenes. In the beginning we were finding difficulties on finding actors for our trailer. Luckily we finally managed to find some people to act as zombies. I was very happy with the end result of our filming as I think we successfully managed to create a realistic zombie make up effects that would help us to represent the effects and symptoms of the virus as we planned in the beginning. This also helps to fit with the other horror/thriller zombie trailers that I researched. 

Thursday 12 November 2015


These are some images that we took whilst we were filming. Following our shooting schedule we managed to film all the different types of scenes that we wanted to include of our protagonist working in a lab. As our trailer mainly focuses on the protagonist and on the virus itself we thought that by filming as much as possible on this location we will be able to have a variety of different shots that we could later use and edit for our trailer. We decided to film a lot of different activities ranging from our protagonist making an experiment using test tubes and microscopes to him working with books and writing on the board in order to achieve the full aesthetic of our character being a scientist.

Tuesday 10 November 2015


I have decide to create a shooting schedule list in order to oragnise our times and remind us of when we need to film. That way we allow ourselves more time to prepare and film thus leaving us more time to edit after and therefore being able to do any re shoots after if we need to.

Changes in our trailer: Political to focus on character, genre and zombies.

Saturday 7 November 2015


These are some initial location tests shots that i took at Barnes Bridge. I think that this is a really good location to film some of our initial establishing shots in the beginning of our trailer in order to create this slow pace effect that would help to further build upon.

As I also did some research on the virus leptospirosis, I also thought that including water and/or locations that have water would perfectly fit with portraying the virus realistically and therefore making it more believable. 

Monday 2 November 2015


I decided to do some basic research on the virus/disease in order to gain more knowledge on it and therefore use some of that information and apply it to our trailer. I thought that by applying and using information of the disease will both help us plan out different scenes that we could use for our trailer but it would also appear a lot more realistic. I mostly decided to pick out the most important information about the disease or the information that we could incorporate into our trailer such as what the disease is, where and how you can catch it and its symptoms.

Leptospirosis is spread to humans by animals.
You can catch it by touching soil or water contaminated with the urine of wild animals infected with the leptospira bacteria.
Animals known to be carriers of the leptospira bacteria include cattle, pigs, dogs and rodents, particularly rats.
Although the condition is uncommon in the UK, people who regularly deal with animals, such as farmers and vets, have a higher risk of developing leptospirosis.
You may also be at a higher risk if you frequently come into contact with rivers and lakes. This might be because of your occupation or through taking part in activities such as water sports and fishing.
  • The first phase ƒ Symptoms are similar to those of the flu, including high fever, severe headache, chills, muscle aches, and vomiting, and may also include a rash. ƒ May last between 3 to 5 days before recovery. ƒ In mild cases the patient will recover after just the first phase but they can suffer fatigue and depression for some time afterwards
  • The second phase ƒ Initial symptoms will reoccur. ƒ Further symptoms can vary according to severity and may include jaundice (yellow skin and eyes), red eyes, abdominal pain, and diarrhoea. ƒ Symptoms can be similar to those of meningitis. ƒ Severe cases can also cause the failure of kidneys or liver. ƒ Death can occur due to heart, liver or respiratory failure. 


After we did our initial research and planing we decided to do write down some ideas of the different locations that we want to use for our trailer as well as the different types of shots. As we wanted to focus a lot on the virus and its symptoms and effects, we decided to also research more about the virus and find out the different side effects that we might represent in our trailer. That way we would be more clear on what exactly we wanted to film and therefore start filming as soon as possible in order to organise our time and have enough to do our editing and soundtrack and possible re-shoots. 

  • Locations 

- based in London - shots of Big Ben and London Eye
- Parliament - focus on the political side of the trailer
- Bridges - focus on the beauty of the location and on the virus - water transmission

- substance of the virus
- focus on characters
- shots of equations, graphs, visual research data
- labs - focus on the scientific side of the trailer
  • Represent possible symptoms of the virus
- nausea and vomiting
- muscle pain, particularly affecting the muscles in the calves and lower back
- conjunctivitis (irritation and redness of the eyes)
- a short - lived rash
- coughing up blood
- swollen ankles, feet and hands

  • Fast pace scenes and shots
- chase
- conflict between characters
- engagement with people affected from the virus
- jaundice (yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes)