Tuesday 24 November 2015


After we completed our script and looked over the first draft of our trailer, we decided to see how well both of these mathc together and how we could combine the voice over to match with the clips of our trailer. When we looked over the footage that we had to use for our trailer, we realised that we are lacking a lot of characters. We had enough footage of our protagonist, Sebastian, but we did not have any other footage of our other main characaters such as Samantha and Malcom. This was due to not being able to find enough people to act for our trailer. We also didn't focus and plan much on the scense and shots that would include these characters and instead we focsued more on the virus itself, its effects on people and the protagonist as we thought that these type of scenes are visually more engaging and include a lot more action packed and cinematic visual effects than scenes of different characters. We also decided to remove the foucs on the battle between the govorment and the society and isntead to completly turn our attention to making the trailer fulfill a lot more horror/thriller genre conventions. This is why after we disscussed this issue with our group we deicided to try focus more on the footage we already have and perfect it to the best quality we can rather than film other footage that would include different characters. We then looked over our script and read through what our voice over would say. We realised that the sentencing would be too complicated and we also realised that it was too long for our trailer. This is why we decided to make it a lot shorter and a lot less simple so it would follow with the clips on the traielr. The reason why we wanted to include a voice over for our trailer is becasue we felt that it would be easier to introduce and explain the plot and story of our trailer to the audience to reduce any confusion that could be created when the trailer plays.

Second draft Voice Over

"Ordinary day. Ordinary life. Everything was the way it always has been.
Water. That's from where it all begun. People couldn't see it but it was there. Lurking around every corner. Every street. One touch was enough to spread this disease. 
Starting from your lungs, channeling rapidly to your brain, making you enter a trance like state."

"I never knew I was the one. It all started as a hobby. Working night and day trying to break formulaic equations, cracking perplexed algorithms, and multiple different experiments but nothing ever led to success. "

"Until I found it was all in the blood. Spreading slowly around your body and finally reaching your brain. That's when you go crazy."

"No antidote could help. I tried everything. The virus was spreading too fast. And at the end, it would always come to you."

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