Wednesday 20 January 2016


Whilst doing some research on different soundtracks and music to use for our trailer, we came across a website called Position music **. We found this website very useful as it had many compositions and different sound effects that were suitable for trailers. We really liked a particular piece called The Haunted which we found to be the perfect match for the ending scene of our trailer where we portray the zombie characters as it contained very powerful and strong sounds with pauses between them that would help to add energy and build up to the scenes. The main sound that was used for the composition appeared to be almost like a gunfire or a gunshot with other supporting background music in order to make the original sound even louder and heavier creating more energy. We then decided to look at different gunfire sound effects and combine them with similar background sounds. As we experimented and tested, we came across several different ones and although we managed to replicate the original piece that we used for inspiration, it didn't manage to create as much power and tension therefore unsuccessfully  matching the scenes and editing. We then re visited the trailer Contagion and we found that it has a similar idea and editing style to what we were doing so we decided to take inspiration from the soundtrack as well. Compared to the initial piece, the sound that was used for this trailer appeared to have a more of an alarm sound effect that changed as a new shot appeared. We decided to use a similar sound effect and also add some other background sounds in order to make the whole soundtrack louder ans heavier matching the fast, energy filled sequence.

Position music music piece :

Initial Soundtrack :

Final soundtrack

Monday 11 January 2016


After we researched different types of trailers and found that a lot of them use voice overs,whether they are taken from a dialogue or a monologue, we decided to incorporate our own voice over. After we did multiple scrips.tested different locations and set ups and tried out using different types of microphones ranging from computers and laptops to camera mics and phones, we decided to use ans choose between both female and male voices to incorporate for our trailer. Although the protagonist in our trailer is a male character we still decided to try ans test a female voice. When we eventually edited and placed both voices with the trailer it seemed that surprisingly the female voice sounded and matched the trailer better than the male voice. As our trailer contains a male protagonist and several female zombie antagonist, the incorporation of the female voice in our trailer helped to introduce a new character ad well as to make the trailer appear a lot more mysterious and suspenseful therefore engaging and attracting the audience attention even further making them more interested and curious. The voice over matched perfectly what was presented in our trailer and helped to make the story and plot a lot more clear. However, when we recorded our voice over we only had our script thus making the tone and mood of it very scripted and presentation and did not sound engaging enough in order to fit with the visual presentation of our trailer. This is why we thought that our voice over might not be as appropriate to fit with our trailer thus having to either make changes to it by perhaps watching the trailer itself whilst recording or slightly correcting the script or work on the soundtrack and focus on it a lot more in order to compensate for the missing voice over.

Female voice over:
Male voice over:

Editing and Sound Research


This is our completed poster. We decided to incorporate and combine different elements that were presented in the trailer in order to visually represent the narrative and genre of the trailer. We decided to first use a picture of our protagonist and position it at the center as our main character has a lot of screen time in the trailer and we wanted to represent his importance. We then decided to use a picture of our main zombie character's eyes in order to portray the antagonist as well as to create a feeling of invasion and discomfort creating a sense of the eyes watching upon the world and also the protagonist putting him into danger. For the third and final element of the poster we decided to use a picture of the city in order to represent society and the world as well as the dangers that they are put into. Although, I think that the combination of all these elements go very well together, I feel that perhaps the representation of the city is not so relevant to representing and linking with the trailer as we do not see that much of the city. Perhaps incorporating elements of the sea or locations including water would help to better represent our narrative visually as the connection between the representation of the virus and its origin is a lot clearer and stronger thus making the audience create these links between the two products recognize them as being together.