Monday 11 January 2016


This is our completed poster. We decided to incorporate and combine different elements that were presented in the trailer in order to visually represent the narrative and genre of the trailer. We decided to first use a picture of our protagonist and position it at the center as our main character has a lot of screen time in the trailer and we wanted to represent his importance. We then decided to use a picture of our main zombie character's eyes in order to portray the antagonist as well as to create a feeling of invasion and discomfort creating a sense of the eyes watching upon the world and also the protagonist putting him into danger. For the third and final element of the poster we decided to use a picture of the city in order to represent society and the world as well as the dangers that they are put into. Although, I think that the combination of all these elements go very well together, I feel that perhaps the representation of the city is not so relevant to representing and linking with the trailer as we do not see that much of the city. Perhaps incorporating elements of the sea or locations including water would help to better represent our narrative visually as the connection between the representation of the virus and its origin is a lot clearer and stronger thus making the audience create these links between the two products recognize them as being together.

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