Friday 16 October 2015


This is our production title logo. The word diametrical means two exact opposites. We decided to use Diametrical for our production title because we thought that by this we are to establish the connection and emotion between the trailer and the audience where although they are both two different things, when they come together they appear to fit and match.

For our logo design we decided angle the word from the center in order to create an illusion of two different sides that would match the meaning of the word. We also decided to make it more 3D like and more professional by adding a shadow that helped to give the logo a more modernized look and therefore attract more young audiences which is also our target audience for our trailer. The effect of the letters being cracked also made the whole design logo appear like it is created from a stone which helped to create this bold effect on the letters which would help to make them stand out and attract more attention. Both the white letters and the black and gray shadow letters helped to create this cold and drastic feel but also keeping a professionalism look which are feelings we all want to portray through our trailer and through our production title logo in order to keep the idea of branding and consistency in all of our marketing products.

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