Tuesday 13 October 2015


When we were arranged to our groups we decided all to come up with our own story  as the three of us had different ideas and eventually decide together which one to use or to combine different elements of all of the stories.

Documentaries : Real – audience must believe in the events.  A voice over that captures the story or idea.


My initial idea was to use similar techniques from the movie 28 Days Later where the main focus was the representation of isolation. I think that what stroked the audience was the representation of a big, famous city that is always known to be busy and full of people. I think that the use of complete isolation is what made the feel and tone of the movie appear very dreadful and terrifying fulfilling the genre expectations. I wanted to use that idea and create a similar story where a person is completely isolated and walks into famous locations where no presence of humans. Until the protagonist meets with monster like creatures that surround him and the story continues as he tries to escape and find a safe place.


I want to encapsulate the whole ideology that has been recently addressed by my friends and family members. My idea strings from having a conversation with one of my closest friends, as I bought a tin KA drink. After looking at me extremely shaken, I had asked her what was wrong, she told me that i should stop drinking fizzy drinks and start being healthy because of a dilemma and myth about rat urine killing thousands. I furthered my research into the whole ideology based around the rat urine disease and found a lot of factual material and statistics, which I felt would be helpful to use in our trailer. Of course we have not yet decided what ideas we will include for this trailer but my two peers have agreed to use my idea as it seems like a firm base to start with. 


Idea #1; Drama/sci fi genre-A film expositing Orwellian style drama focusing on an individual that is against the status quo-that is, an established dictatorship that took had hold over a country and has incessant bearing on the citizenry. In contrast with horror, the trailer would not contain any idyllic period and would from the start enlarge on the prevailing predicament, conjuring up the brutality of the regime. With the adjunction of voice over, the narrator would also provide soundbites pertaining to the film, a semantic field that would connote impulsiveness and evoking an undertone of a possible reconstitution of the old order on the part of the protagonist and their supporting entourage. 
In terms of the setting and cinematography, it would not be confined to sub-urban area, remote places, but would also feature iconographic building complexes to inform where the film is set.  As is the case in most movies that are seeking to go for the theme of an autocratic regime, one would also draw attention to the mechanism of mass surveillance such as cameras, peddling the view that  
Characters; the protagonist (either male or female), The rank and file of the regime -their outfit would include black suits reminiscent to the ‘Men in black’, would be the primary binary, aside from the protagonist a paramilitary group would also be emphasised as  taking a stand against the regime 
The trailers that I have looked that more or less materialise my vision are; 1984, “The edge as media”(opening sequence),”AS MEDIA COURSEWORK - GRADE A”, “The marksman a level media”, v for vendetta, blade runner, clockwork orange 
Software that could be used; Sony Vegas Pro 13-incorporating explosions, blood gushing out effect.

OUR OVERALL IDEA AND FINAL CONCLUSION: My group and I have come to an official agreement to combine the two ideas together to create a sci - fi / thriller film involving a protagonist preferably male who discovers that the government is surveying / spying on him. He then uses his programming power with JavaScript to hack into the government. But what he finds is that the government is already ahead of him. Having worked for the government previously as a scientist, he knows theres a cure for the leptospirosis (rat urine disease) however he’s affected by the governments hesitance to  announce this cure. THE GOVERNMENT THEN REALISES THEY HAVE AN OPPOSING FORCE. (the government has a revengeful plan for him and tries to stop him from curing the world)

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